Financial Readiness
These classes are designed to equip students with financial literacy, investment knowledge, and entrepreneurial skills to navigate the modern economy.
Every human being on the planet earth has a number of important relationships ranging from our relationship with ourselves to our relationships with family, friends and colleagues. However, few people think of their relationship with money as an important fundamental relationship, even though virtually our every human being alive on the planet earth today has some form of relationship with money.
In this class, we encourage students to examine their relationship with money and make that relationship work to their advantage.
Class #1
Financial Ready: Career Ready, Financial Literacy & Stock Market
This class covers 21st Century career readiness, financial literacy and stock market investing.
In this class, we encourage students to prepare themselves for the fast changing world of work before showing them how to best manage and invest the money they do make always making every effort to follow their passions and their path to success.
Class #2
Fin Ready/Tech Ready: Use Stock Market to Open a Window to the Future
The stock market is one of the best learning tools available to educators today as there is no better window to the world or the future. In this class, students will learn analytical tools that will take full advantage of the informational and data tools made available by the stock market to follow the leading tech entrepreneurs in the world describe and build their businesses. In this way they will secure invaluable insights into how technology is transforming our world.
Class #3
Entrepreneurship: Design Thinking/Key Concepts to Build Your Business
In the old days college graduates looked for a job. Increasingly college graduates are going to need to create their own job. We therefore believe that developing an entrepreneurial mindset is an essential 21st Century skill. This class uses design thinking to help students build their own products and businesses.
Stock Market Club
Does your school have sports teams?
Stock Market Teams
For those schools that are interested we can help you set up a completive stock market club at where your students will learn the fun of investing in a guided environment