Tech/AI Awareness

These classes are designed to help students understand how to interact with and understand how technology and AI are transforming our world.
Tech #1
Humanity’s 200,000 Year Tech Journey from Fire to Chat GPT
This class traces the evolution of technology from the invention of fire to the First Industrial Revolution to the Fourth industrial revolution tracing the impact on human evolution and on our species each step of the way.
Tech #2
From Chat GPT to the Singularity & Living in a Solved World
We believe that our world was fundamentally transformed in November 2022 with the launch of Chat GPT and generative intelligence. In this class we will trace the intelligence explosion from its origins to Generative Intelligence to Artificial General Intelligence, to Superintelligence ending with the Singularity as all of us struggle to adapt to a world where AI Compute increases 100,000x as compared with the 100x increase with Moore’s Law.
Tech #3
Key Concepts Essential to Understand our 21st Century World
Far too many attempt to apply an insular, linear mindset to our rapidly globalizing world of exponential technological change. This class covers the key concepts essential to 21st Century success.