Future Ready for

21° Century Success


for global awareness


through good Character


through 21st Century Skills

Future Ready through Global Competence

Educators are being challenged as never before, they are being asked to prepare students for a world that no one understands and for jobs that do not yet exist.  One World has developed a series of programs designed to help K12 educators prepare their students for the unprecedented opportunities and challenges of our 21st-century world. 

One World empowers

Educators and students for a rapidly globalizing world of exponential technological change. Technology is bringing humanity closer and closer together but no one is telling us how to get along.  That is where One World comes in.

In order for schools to build global citizens knowledgeable of the world around them and capable of changing it for the better, we recommend they use our E – C – E model that combines three educational disciplines- global education, character education and service-learning to bolster and reinforce our virtual exchange programs.

One World Future Ready Goals: Elementary School

Goal 1

Graduate Global Citizens

Goal 2

Encourage Students to Engage with Their Community & the World

Goal 3

Encourage Students to Take Ownership of Their Education